Technical Support and hotline

Our support team is at your service. Because Coswin 8i is at the heart of your business, we accompany you every moment and respond to your technical requests every day.

For any further information

Siveco Group customer support : the optimal quality of service


Customer Support is composed of highly qualified engineers regularly trained on the evolutions of our products and also on any technological changes. In order to ensure optimal service quality, they are in continuous contact with Product Services, R&D, Testing, Consultants and Technical Architects.

On-line assistance using the Technical Centre Website allows you to :

  • Consult the technical requirements for each product range
  • Consult the technical support standard procedures
  • Consult our products’ standard specifications
  • Consult the latest technical information
  • Download updates and corrective patches
  • Download documentation on our products


  • Diagnostic Tools
    • The TeamViewer technical support tool that we use revolutionises the way in which Customer Support interacts with its customers. This service makes it possible to launch an interactive session remotely and to post, diagnose and resolve technical problems, simply and instantly, on-line
    • This ‘office sharing’ also makes it possible for a support technician to present or explain a function directly on-screen
    • The tool also makes it possible to gather technical information on a remote computer (e.g. Operating system, Service pack, IP Configuration, memory, applications held in memory etc…) in order to bring together all the necessary elements required to perform a diagnostic assessement.
  • On sites interventions
    • The Technical Manager of your account will arrive on site to resolve your problems individually, or may be accompanied by an Product or R&D expert
    • On site interventions can also be used as a training opportunity or a Speed Coaching session to help you optimise your use of Coswin
  • Maintenance contracts
    • Standard Maintenance Contracts : You benefit from unlimited hotline assistance and a secured access to our technical website
    • Gold Maintenance Contract: In addition to the above, there is the guarantee of a personalised follow-up thanks to the exclusive assignment of a Technical Manager to your account. This ensures you receive an intervention within an agreed period


  • Hotline

    The Siveco Group telephone support service is available from Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm. (CET)
    Our various international teams manage technical support 24 hours a day :

    • The European and Africa regions are handled by the Siveco France Hotline
    • The Asia and Pacific regions are handled the Siveco China Hotline
    • The Americas are covered by The Siveco Brazil Hotline